Saturday, October 20, 2007

Summer Highlights And..........

Dear friends we trust you all had a refreshing summer. We thank God for every remembrance of you! Here's some news from our world to yours.........

Early Learning......

This is a wonderful place that Josiah and I go to. A place where he's been able to learn and play with other kids. For me as a mom it's been a special place to meet other moms and we've enjoyed some other activity together such as going to St. Catharines to do 'die pressing." We also just did a CPR course together these past two Thursdays. At the end of November we'll enjoy a Christmas meal together.

Josiah with Teacher Kelly doing some mixing

What a creative painting!

Josiah enjoying a laugh with teacher Kelly and teacher Lori

Having Fun.......

Our neighbors let us enjoy their pool over the summer, which our Glenna and Josiah enjoyed!They are taking swimming lessons at the moment at the local pool.

Reading Fun.....

Over the summer Glenna and Josiah were part of the reading club at the library. Between David and I we read a hundred kids book to them. Both kids enjoy books and it's a special way to spend time together.

Enjoying some reading time with papa

Vacation Bible school....

Glenna and Josiah were off to the "Wild West" and "Veggie Town Values" at two different churches this summer. It was lots of fun with great spiritual input into their lives.


Making music in their hearts

Josiah taking part in a skit
A promise kept.....

We promised our children a long time back that we'd get them a dog. It was great to see their joy in getting one. They named him Rusty. The dog is a cross between a Beagle and a Pug, which equals a Peagle. And yes mom and dad do all the cleaning up and feeding - smile!


Mama's little helpers.....

Glenna enjoys making food out of ground beef. Here she's made a "cake" and we sang to her. It tasted yummy. Josiah likes doing dishes.

Look mom!

Off to school....

Here's Glenna taking the bus to school. I must admit I cried. She's growing in her understanding of French. She is in Senior Kindergarten and will go to grade 1 next year, as she turns 6 on January 26. God really answered prayer, in that Glenna has a friend who lives in Port Colborne and rides the bus with her.

Glenna's first day at school, in pink behind the boy

Moral support from brother Josiah

Other notes.......

David and I celebrated 17 years of marriage on the 18 of August '07.

This past September marked 20 years of ministry with OM. We are thankful to God for His faithfulness expressed through you our financial & prayer partners.

On the 26 - 30 of September '07 OM had another "Get Ready" conference for those interested in mission. David was part of the steering commitee. He was commended for his ability to facilitate discussion in his teaching sessions and for just being with people. We hosted one of the participants in our home. It was a joy to get to know Siang some. She is heading to Singapore.

On the 23 - 24 of October David makes a trip to Kitchener to meet with members of the Pamir team as well as another family and a person home from the ship who will be extending.

Recently a number of people have returned home, having completed their term of service with OM. David has met with them either in the office or over the phone, to help them in their re-entry process. Pray for these folk as they adjust in this new phase of their lives. Pray also for those who are home at present, but returning to the field for longer terms.

Our Glenna is not well. She is struggling with a sore throat and fever. The Dr. has also put me on a puffer for bronchitus, I am getting better - thankful! So appreciate prayer for our health.

Our love across the miles,

David, Wendy and our Glenna & Josiah

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Life in Port Colborne

Canal Days Festival - August 3 to 6

The first weekend of August was Canal Days Festival in Port Colborne. A time of festivities, music, tall ships, buskers, vendors, food and an amazing boat parade and fireworks. All in all it's Port Colborne's biggest bash of the year.
Our Glenna & Josiah took in the sights and sounds. They enjoyed the free rides on the train and their favorite treat was ice cream - as normal. :-)

The greatest highlight for us as a family though, was taking the opportunity to highlight the needs of an orphanage in Swaziland - Pasture Valley Children's Home. As a family we were privileged to stay with Peter and Michelle and their children Luke and Claire when we did an outreach in Swaziland last year. What we saw there has stayed in our hearts. So we, and our friends Harvey & Brenda Thiessen & family set up a booth in front of the OM Office, which is right on West Street and shared with passer-bys. Their son, Jordan, did wonderful juggling to music and brought in lots of money. Our Josiah was the cute factor, singing "Jesus Loves Me" over and over, bringing smiles and donations. When they'd put money in the basket, he'd say, "thank you" and I'd prompt him to say, "Thank you for helping the African children." He got lots of ooh and ahs. In total the children raised $1048.

Jordan, Melissa, Josiah, Glenna, Parker & Cody, making a difference

Jordan Thiessen juggling and raising lots of money for the children in Swaziland

Josiah singing "Jesus Love me" true He does!

Glenna's childlike vision to help the African children carries on. She was disappointed we did not sell lemonade, Lord willing next time. The children presented the cheque to Harvey Thiessen, the Director of OM Canada. A reporter from the local paper was there to write their story of helping children in the distant land of Swaziland, who's lives have been impacted by HIV/AIDS.

Presenting the cheque to Harvey Thiessen
OM Canada Director

The children were featured in the Inport News

The children of Pasture Valley, along with Glenna & Josiah & Rosie who was part of our OM Team there last year.

You can make a difference...
Swaziland is a nation that is being ravaged by HIV/AIDS. Nearly half its population has been infected or affected by HIV/AIDS. The children are the ones who are the most vulnerable and suffer the most.Pasture Valley Children's Home, run by Peter and Michelle McCubbin is a place where they are being loved and cared for.They have many practical needs, like ...Medicine, food, school supplies, mattresses, vitamins, clothing, educational CD's, carpets, etc. to name a few ...
From a distance you can make a difference! Let us know if you would like to help with the needs of Pasture Valley Children's Home.